How much are you willing to spend for the ability to fine-tune the stick sensitivity and trigger dead zones—oh, and back buttons—on your PlayStation DualSense controller? I hope you just said “an extra $130,” because that’s how much it’s about to cost come next year.
PlayStation finally showed off its new DualSense Edge controller on Tuesday that looks exactly like a regular DualSense controller, except maybe a little more black on its front face. It also costs $200, nearly half the price of a full PS5 console. For that price, I would expect to see an incredible amount of versatility from a first-party peripheral.
At first glance, the Edge maintains the same button layout as your average $70 PS5 controller save for the small trigger-type buttons underneath the joysticks that allow users to switch between different control profiles. The announcement video states the Edge contains swappable stick caps and stick modules that allow for finer stick sensitivity mapping. There are also dials on the back to adjust trigger dead zones, though its unclear how that feature will work with the controller’s well-loved adaptive triggers that offer a feeling of resistance in certain games.
The new controller also offers slots for a pair of customizable back buttons that can be mapped to different controls like the traditional face buttons. The Xbox Elite Series 2, which is the obvious competitor for the new Edge, has four, non-customizable flat back buttons compared with the PlayStation controller’s two.
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Oh, and it comes with a braided USB cable with a lockable housing and a case, and… nope that’s about it. According to Isabelle Tomatis, Sony Interactive’s VP of hardware and peripherals, the Edge comes with three sets of stick caps and two sets of back buttons. But despite these welcome new features for certain gamers out there, it’s hard to see what makes the Edge worth $200, three times as much as a regular DualSense. The Xbox Elite controller has been around for years now and costs $180, and usually goes on sale for a little above $150. That controller also boasts swappable sticks and customizable controls as well as a redesigned grip. At the very least, the Elite looks like a different controller than the stock standard controller that comes with the Xbox Series S.
PlayStation unveiled its new controller on the same day Microsoft announced its Elite Wireless Series 2 controllers can be customized with unique colors, d-pad and thumbsticks using the Xbox Design Lab. Which, if I’m spending $150 to $180 on a controller, you can bet I’ll be making sure I get in a color I actually like. Other than swappable buttons, it doesn’t seem the Edge has any other form of customization, which is a true shame considering how much I would be paying for it.
The regular DualSense has been one of the best controllers I’ve personally used, but with PS5′ s now costing more in practically every market except for the U.S. it seems Sony is thinking its customer base has a lot of cash laying around they’re looking to burn.
And there’s still a question of how easy it is to actually buy a PS5. Some stores, like Amazon, are making customers put in a request for an invitation in order to purchase. The company has repeatedly promised it’ s doing more to boost production, and according to import data it seems like shipments are way up in September, though it’s likely too early to tell if those numbers have finally allowed Sony to make product numbers equal demand.
Preorders for the Edge are set to start Oct. 25 for U. S. , UK and western Europe markets through Playstation Direct. The controller’s set for a global release on Jan. 26.