How To Update Your Xbox Wireless Controller Firmware
When you think about your Xbox controller, the software powering it is probably one of the last things that comes to mind. Even if you judiciously update the console itself, you may forget the controller also needs its firmware kept current. Keeping the code that makes your controller run up to date is pretty important. Firmware updates don’t come out often, but when they do, they tend to contain important compatibility updates and bug fixes.
If you’re having controller trouble, the device’s firmware should be one of the first places you look. As new features are rolled out in games or on the console itself, the controller’s firmware will probably change in response. Browsing at the controller section of the accessories menu is an easy way to see if everything is up to date. If you’re due an update or two, it will let you know. If your controller is as updated as it needs to be, you’ll also see a clear indication that you don’t have to do anything. Ideally, you’d check for firmware updates once a week. Each controller you own and use needs to be updated individually, so be prepared to do this a few times. Here are three methods you can use to keep your Xbox controller’s firmware up to date.